Bookings / e-Bookings

LITS Online

Bookings / e-Bookings

A pre-booking is essential for all interpreting requests.  However, in an emergency situation we will try and provide a service as soon as possible, although this will depend upon the availability of the interpreters.

When booking an interpreter, the following information will be required :

Your Details

Name of the person booking the interpreter, name of the person working with the interpreter, name of the organisation, telephone number, email address.

Interpreting Details

Date of appointment, time of briefing and location, time of appointment and location, brief details of the interpreting session and approximate duration.

Your Client's Details

Full name of client, gender, language, ethnic origin and home address. (This information is required in order to assign the correct interpreter and also to make sure the client is not known to the interpreter).

Enquiry Form

Confirmation of Booking

Once an interpreter has been booked, a confirmation will be sent via e-mail. This will list all details of the interpreting session: please check details are correct for example language, date, time and location.

A Customer Feedback Form will also be attached to the e-mail, we would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete it, as your views will help us monitor and improve the service we deliver.

An Agreement Form will also be attached. This will list our terms and conditions and charges. This form must be completed and returned to LITS before the interpreting session takes place.

About Us

Luton Interpreting and Translation Service (LITS) is an established, trusted, sustainable and resilient language service (with over 30 years of experience).


Corporate Member of the Institution of Translating and Interpreting
Member No. 18450

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday :

8am - 5.30pm


Contact Us

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