Face to Face Interpreting

All language service providers (LSPs) follow a strict ‘Code of Practice’ covering their professional ethics, which includes a commitment to impartiality and confidentiality. They arelinguistically skilled in their spoken language and English. Our interpreters hold various qualifications such as the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) or equivalent, someareon the National Register for Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI) and some have passed the Metropolitan Police Test etc.

The role of a language service provider is subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This is because our LSPs are privy to confidential and sensitive information.They are available to work with professionals from various fields for example Social Care, Housing, Trading Standards, Fraud & Investigations, Courts and Solicitors (LAA ratesavailable), Job Centres, Immigration and Asylum, Schools & Colleges, Hospitals, GP’s, Dentists, Health Professionals and many others.

About Us

Luton Interpreting and Translation Service (LITS) is an established, trusted, sustainable and resilient language service (with over 25 years of experience).


Corporate Member of the Institution of Translating and Interpreting
Member No. 18450

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday :
8am - 6.30pm

Open to the public from :
9am - 5pm

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